Viewing Word Comments in Google Drive

Word Comments and Tracked Changes are features that work best in Microsoft Word. To prevent problems from occurring, download and install the Microsoft 365 Apps (free of charge) on your personal computer. Then use Microsoft Word to work with Comments and Tracked Changes. Note: Microsoft Word can also be found on all JAMS Lab and CCL computers.

To view Word Comments and Tracked Changes in Google Drive, you'll need enable this feature in your Account Settings.

  1. Open Chrome and log in to your Google Account. Note: You must use the Chrome browser to view Word Comments in Google Drive. This feature may not work in other browsers.

  2. After logging in, click the Google apps button (square group of dots) in the upper-right corner of the browser window. In the fly-out menu, select Drive.

  3. In Google Drive, click the Settings button (gear icon.) In the fly-out menu, choose Settings.

  4. In the Settings window, go to the Uploads section. Select the checkbox next to Convert uploads to Google Docs editor format. Navigate back to Google Drive.

  5. After uploading a Word Document to Google Drive, you should be able to interact with Comments and Tracked Changes.

  6. If necessary, download the file as a Word Document when finished.

Last updated