Open Chrome and go to Log in using your UW-Milwaukee email address and password. Note: You must use Chrome to work with the Transcription feature. It may not work in other browsers.
Click the App launcher button (square group of dots) in the upper-left corner of the browser window. Search for and open Word.
In the Create new area of Word Online, click Blank document.
In Word Online, make sure the Home tab is selected. In the Home ribbon, click the drop-down arrow next to the Dictate button (microphone icon.) In the drop-down menu, select Transcribe.
In the Transcribe panel (on right), click the Upload audio button. Navigate to and select your audio file and click Open. Word Online will transcribe your audio file. Note: You must upload an audio file (WAV, MP3, MP4, M4A.) Video file formats will not work.
When the process is complete, click the Add to document button. In the fly-out menu that appears, choose a formatting style for your transcription.
When finished, save the Word document to OneDrive or your computer.